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Investigating Collegiate Research Struggles to Find Sources for their Claims

The purpose of this video is to introduce the idea that not finding sources to support students'/researchers' claims is a common difficulty in their research process.



Laura Graham

In Laura
Graham's research journal, "Searching for Health Information: Web Sites and Tips for Finding Science-Based Sources," she explains how finding sources for clinical and science based claims are difficult to find.


After a copious amount of research it is evident that the inability to find sources to support people's claims is present in various occasions between different types of people

Come Along and Listen to my Song


The lyrics of my song were inspired by the claims, tensions, and connections of Laura Graham, Saskia Brand-Gruwel, and Susan H. Veccia as well as my personal response towards them.

Point of View Song

Listen to it here

Find You Parody - Research Audio
00:00 / 00:00



Although Laura Graham, Saskia Brand-Gruwel, and Susan H. Veccia mention various studies and viewpoints on the struggles of finding sources to support people's claims, they fail to incorporate  studies on reasons why college freshmen struggle to find sources for their claims.

Research Survey

Research Survey
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